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A Guide to Dysbiosis & Autoimmunity

Dysbiosis & Autoimmunity
January 4, 2025

Here at Dr. Autoimmune, we dig deep into potential causes of leaky gut and other autoimmune conditions to better understand the factors causing your symptoms. One of the first stages of autoimmunity can often be dysbiosis which isn’t always detected in regular bloodwork, which is why early detection is key to preventing disease progression. We look at over 85 different blood markers that traditional doctors don’t test for, ensuring that we have the best overall picture, so keep reading to learn more about dysbiosis and how it affects autoimmunity.

What is Dysbiosis?

Dysbiosis is a term that refers to the disturbance of the gut microbial flora where any of the following occurs, sometimes simultaneously: the loss of beneficial organisms, excessive growth of potentially harmful bacteria, and the loss of overall diversity in the microbiome. These intestinal bacteria are vital for healthy immune function and inflammatory response, as well as digestion, nutrient absorption, and so much more.

How does dysbiosis affect autoimmunity?

causes of leaky gut

A gut imbalance like dysbiosis could eventually lead to leaky gut syndrome, chronic disease, and gastrointestinal autoimmune conditions such as IBS. Dysbiosis damages the gut lining and weakens the immune-gut barrier, resulting in a myriad of different symptoms from digestive issues like constipation, diarrhea, and bloating to chronic inflammation, brain fog, food intolerances, weight management issues, and more. Small intestinal fungal overgrowth (SIFO) and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) are also types of dysbiosis.

Dysbiosis and depression:

Recent research has shown that altered bacterial populations can directly stimulate negative inflammatory chemicals which impact behavior. In fact, 2 antibiotics taken within a 12-month period of time increase your risk of a depression diagnosis by 40%, and to date, physicians are not taught how to mitigate the risks these medications have on our microbiome! However, if you can reduce the quality through medications, you can improve and sometimes radically improve the microbiome improving mood, energy, and inflammatory markers!

Can you fix dysbiosis naturally?

Yes, improvement is possible, especially with our team by your side! Long-term lifestyle changes are key to fixing dysbiosis and restoring your gut’s microbial balance, diet and nutrition are among the most important. Identifying triggers such as gluten, dairy, processed foods, and artificial sugars, along with treating any deficiencies like Vitamin D, are all part of a plan to reverse the effects of dysbiosis.

How can Dr. Autoimmune help?

Our functional medicine approach to autoimmunity and chronic disease means that we seek to find the “why” underneath your symptoms and find solutions that support the root cause. Clinical nutrition, lifestyle changes, environmental triggers, and stress are just a few of the aspects of your health that we consider. With years of experience helping people manage their autoimmune diseases, our experts are confident that we can help you find relief from your symptoms too.

Leaky Gut Trio

We also utilize cutting-edge supplementation to assist the body in repairing itself. The Leaky Gut Trio includes 3 of our most powerful supplements– Prebio-Power, a guar gum prebiotic supplement specially formulated to provide you 7 grams of highly absorbable sun fiber per serving; ImmunoPower, a blend of probiotics and nutrients designed to support overall immune health and the activation of T regulatory cells; and Gut Power, a restorative gut support supplements with ingredients such as Betaine HCL and Zinc Carnosine.

Starting your healing journey is right at your fingertips! Request an initial consultation and take your first step toward better health today. Our $350 New Patient Package includes a thorough blood analysis, a personalized care plan, and all of the resources and tools you need to improve your chronic conditions.

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