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The Connection Between POTS And Autoimmunity

POTS and autoimmunity
December 10, 2024

Autoimmunity can manifest in a variety of ways, with symptoms that come and go, frustrating gut issues, and chronic pain that impacts your day-to-day life, not to mention brain fog, sleep disorders, and more. This is why misdiagnosing can be a common problem and finding ways to manage your condition is even harder. With more and more research being done about potential root causes of chronic conditions like POTS, the link between it and autoimmunity is growing stronger, which helps our holistic specialists know how to help patients find relief from their symptoms. Read on to learn more about the connections between POTS and autoimmune disease:

What is POTS?

POTS symptoms

POTS stands for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and is a form of dysautonomia, a disorder that impacts the autonomic nervous system. This portion of the nervous system is responsible for bodily functions you don’t have to think about, such as your heart rate, internal body temperature, and even your blood pressure. POTS is a condition mainly associated with an abnormal heart rate when a person stands or sits up, which can result in dizziness and lightheadedness, as well as fainting spells. Other common symptoms that have been reported include nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, brain fog, and muscle weakness. These unusual symptoms raise a red flag that autoimmunity could be playing a part in causing POTS, furthering the need to study the presence of autoantibodies in POTS patients.

What’s the connection between POTS and autoimmunity?

A recent study revealed that certain autoantibodies were found in the majority of participants with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Elevated markers for these G‐protein coupled receptor autoantibodies can indicate a form of autoimmunity in the body, but they are not yet a singular indicator of POTS. However, the connection is there, which supports the idea that autoimmune activity in the body could be contributing to the onset of POTS.

Is there a link between POTS and COVID-19?


The long-term effects of COVID-19 may also be directly impacting the onset of POTS. In fact, some research has shown that more people are being diagnosed with POTS in the months post-COVID. What’s even more significant is that since 2020 cases of POTS have doubled! The virus not only impacts the respiratory system but also the autonomic nervous system and can even disrupt the gut after the initial illness has resolved. Read more about the connection between gut issues and COVID-19 here!

How can we help?

Anyone can develop POTS, but young women seem to be the most susceptible to this chronic form of dysautonomia. Living with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome can be debilitating, and when combined with other autoimmune symptoms, it can feel like there’s no solution. But we help patient's health soar with our holistic approach to autoimmune disease. Through personalized assessments, we employ detailed lab work and symptoms analysis, utilize gut and nutrition optimization, and supplement with science-based products with the intent to encourage the immune system to stop attacking itself and heal itself instead.

Are you interested in learning more about the link between POTS and autoimmunity? Schedule a telehealth consultation with our autoimmune experts today!

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