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Insulin Resistance – Diabetes & Pre-Diabetes

September 26, 2017

Did you know that insulin resistance and pre-diabetes are precursors to diabetes? That means that there are warning signs that your body gives before it develops the disease. The question is, did your doctor make you aware of the warning signs and were you given the appropriate tools to reverse the signs? Type 2 and type 3 diabetes are complex metabolic disorders – yes, metabolic, not genetic. That means they are diseases of lifestyle. Therefore, if your lifestyle changes, your health changes. How empowering is that!?! You don’t have to live in fear of losing a limb, going blind, developing neuropathy, or even Alzheimer’s disease as in type 3 diabetes.

While a sugar-free diet, drugs, and insulin are the common treatments for diabetes, they can lead you down a path towards serious complications. What would it mean to you if you could address the underlying causes of your diabetes and avoid devastating complications? Functional medicine looks at your lifestyle, genetics, and environment and does the detective work to determine what inflammatory triggers put you down this path to diabetes. It may be diet, hormones, toxins, or lack of activity. For every person, their unique combination must be determined in order to correct the path and reverse the condition. Ultimately, type 2 and type 3 diabetes develops due to a history of insulin resistance and high blood glucose levels. But what causes your body not to be able to properly handle sugar?

Gut infections like helicobacter pylori (H pylori) or gram-negative bacteria increase inflammation, which can decrease how sensitive blood sugar is to insulin thus causing blood sugar levels to increase. Hormones like cortisol elevate in states of stress and make your insulin less responsive. This also will elevate blood glucose level. Exposure to mold, pesticides and common environmental toxins may also decrease your sensitivity to insulin and drive your blood sugar up. With continuous exposure to high blood glucose levels, your body is not able to adapt. Therefore, your pancreas becomes overworked leading to organ system degradation, amyloid beta proteins are deposited in your pancreas and research is now showing that similar amyloid beta proteins are deposited in your brain as with Alzheimer’s disease. This doesn’t have to be your future!

Isn’t it time that you take control of your health rather than letting diabetes take control of you? If you are ready to regain your health, I encourage you to click the “Start Your Journey” button at the bottom of this page.

We look forward to letting your health soar!

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