doctor with patient

A Complete Guide to our DIY 30-Day Reset Program

30 day reset
July 7, 2024

Autoimmune disease affects men and women of all ages, and it can be overwhelming to know where to start when it comes to finding the right solution for your symptoms. Whether you are experiencing early signs of an autoimmune disease or have been dealing with a chronic condition for years, learn more about our “do it yourself” 3o-day reset program that has helped many people restore optimal health!

Meet the Experts

Dr. Ian Hollaman

Dr. Ian

The founder of Dr. Autoimmune and the creator of our reset program is Dr. Ian, a certified functional medicine provider and chiropractic physician. With over 15 years of experience, he has worked with a variety of complex issues, from thyroid and neurologic disorders to gastrointestinal conditions that have had little success from traditional medicine treatments. Dr. Ian focuses on a holistic and comprehensive approach to improving patient’s health through diet, lifestyle changes, supplementation, and other personalized therapies.

Stevie Chaddock

A functional nutritional therapy practitioner and clinical nutritionist, Stevie works alongside Dr. Ian and specializes in the gut microbiome, one of the most crucial aspects of many autoimmune conditions. What and how you eat can determine a lot about your body and overall wellness, and she looks at the big picture in order to optimize the patient’s health through nutrition.

What’s Included

The experts at Dr. Autoimmune created the 30-day reset program for anyone suffering from chronic inflammation, leaky gut, thyroid symptoms, autoimmunity, and more! It is the fastest and most economical path to restore optimal health. Why? We give you the tools and resources to understand how to tame inflammation through your diet, lifestyle choices, and high-quality supplements. Here is a breakdown of what all is included:

30 day reset program

  • Access to our community forum Facebook group (recipe swaps, rants, and a great place for those more experienced to share hacks!)
  • A 30-day recipe reset guide and informational handouts
  • A 30-day supply of "starter pack" supplements with overall health benefits such as pre and probiotics plus scientifically backed nutrients.
  • 60 to 90-minute weekly webinars (2 with Stevie and 2 with Dr. Ian)
  • Additional support videos each week to help with commonly asked questions.

How to Get Started

Are you interested in starting our DIY 30-day reset program? It is simple to sign up and easy to access the pre-recorded webinar sessions! After paying and submitting an email address, you will automatically receive an introductory PDF guide via a download link. That way you can read through the information and know a bit more of what to expect before watching your first webinar session.

Purchase the Dr. Autoimmune Reset Program from our online store today, and you will be one step closer to better health. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about our 30-day reset program; we look forward to hearing from you!

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