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The Importance of Methylated B Vitamins & Why You Should Care

methylated b vitamins
January 14, 2025

Have you been diagnosed with the MTHFR gene mutation? Then you need to know about its connection to B vitamins! Methylated B vitamins are important in maintaining your health living with the MTHFR gene, but they’re not always found in common supplement brands. But what makes methylated vitamins better? Read on to learn more!

Methylated Vitamins Defined

Methylated refers to the chemical process of adding a methyl group (a molecule made of one carbon and three hydrogen, CH3) to a nutrient. This methylated nutrient in its most bioactive form is better absorbed and utilized by the body. Many supplement brands contain unmethylated vitamins, which are less effective since the body often struggles to absorb and use unmethylated vitamins. Choosing methylated varieties ensures you’re giving your body what it needs, especially if you have a condition working against you like a MTHFR gene mutation.

MTHFR Gene Defined

mthfr gene mutation

So what is the MTHFR gene? MTHFR stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and is responsible for making an enzyme that helps the body break down folate and other B vitamins. Having an MTHFR gene mutation means your body can’t utilize folate (Vitamin B9) correctly and puts you at an increased risk for fatigue, migraines, cardiovascular problems, certain types of cancers, and other chronic health conditions.

Importance of B Vitamins For MTHFR Gene Mutation

Methylated B vitamins complete important functions within the bigger methylation process throughout the body, a continuous cycle that shuts on or off in order to produce hormones, support neurotransmitters for focus and mood, and so much more. This methylation process also requires a specific gene, MTHFR; however, variants within this gene often put stress on the methylation cycle and can contribute to increasing homocysteine levels. Without enough Vitamin B, homocysteine levels can become too high, leading to damaged blood vessels and stress on other areas of the body, such as the cardiovascular system. In fact, research has shown the optimal homocysteine number is 7 and risk increases the higher the number. Do you know your homocysteine number?

Symptoms of Vitamin B Deficiency

While many people can live with an MTHFR gene mutation without even realizing it, symptoms can manifest in certain ways such as a Vitamin B12 deficiency, since the MTHFR’s main role is to help process this vitamin and prevent rising homocysteine levels. Signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency to look out for include digestive problems, general weakness and fatigue, headaches, memory problems, difficulty concentrating, weight loss, and vision changes.

A Powerful B Vitamin Supplement For You

methyl Power

A comprehensive B vitamin supplement is the best multivitamin to take for MTHFR mutation, but only if they’re methylated vitamins! Not all B vitamin supplements are created equal. At Dr. Autoimmune, we offer an incredible product, Methyl Power, with highly bioactive forms including folate, B12, B6, and B2. Not only does it support healthy homocysteine levels but also has benefits for adrenal, neurological, and cardiovascular health.

Order Methyl Power online today and see what a difference methylated B vitamins can make for the MTHR gene mutation! Have questions about getting tested for the MTHFR gene? Reach out to us today about our blood testing; our blood panels include a homocysteine blood test, genetic markers, nutrient tests, and more.

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