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LiveO2:: What is it?

woman with mask on
May 17, 2019

What is LiveO2?

At Dr. Autoimmune, we hope to help you gain control of your health once and for all. Instead of taking a pill to mask the symptoms of your chronic health problem(s), we deeply explore the root cause of your health issues in order to rehabilitate your health, and then prepare your body to take whatever life throws at it and soar. LiveO2 (exercising while breathing in 100% oxygen) is just one of the extraordinarily effective therapies we have in office that not only helps you heal from any current health concerns and bring you back to baseline, but it also works to take your body and brain far beyond “normal” allowing you to live your most optimal and vivacious life.

The single most important thing for your body to heal and repair is oxygen because it is the key to unlocking all the energy in your body. If your cells are not getting enough oxygen (making them hypoxic), they can’t make energy and they can’t repair. LiveO2 has a myriad of effects that all ultimately enhance the amount of oxygen your cells receive and increases your cells efficiency in using that increase in oxygen.

Dr. Von Ardenne showed many years ago that if you exercise with 100% oxygen, you get a higher head of pressure in your arterial system that causes the oxygen to move through your capillaries at higher pressure. This pushes the oxygen to the Venous end of the capillary, which is generally oxygen starved causing the tissues at that end to be more oxygen starved as well. LiveO2 turns on these capillary endothelium (cellular lining) and gets their pumps working properly so that the swelling in those endothelial cells (causing you inflammation) can get pumped out. This causes the cells to regain their optimal, flattened shape resulting in oxygen being able to get across the interstitial space and into the tissues. Essentially, this process restores surplus oxygen to all of your cells. While your exercising, your heart is forcing that high head of pressure through even faster, so your cells become nourished with a higher head of oxygen pressure. Overall, Live O2 helps recover from fatigue, tune and enhance your brain function, promote healing and recovery throughout your body, maintain vitality, and optimize your immune system.

Why Use LiveO2 – How is LiveO2 going to affect your life?

  • Increased energy!(https://redtailhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/livO2.png)

Across the board, everyone tends to see an increase in energy with the use of LiveO2. Dr. Von Ardenne was one of the pioneering researchers that started developing this technology over 20 years ago and did many different studies on the body and oxygen saturation and the body’s ability to use oxygen. One of the graphs in his book, Oxygen Multistep Therapy, measures the oxygen utilization of many different people from ages 0-90 (the body’s efficiency of utilizing oxygen). From age 0 to 22, the graph shows an upward trajectory, meaning that the body gets more and more efficient at utilizing oxygen. But at age 22, the graph peaks and then starts to trend down, meaning that after age 22, the body gets worse and worse at utilizing oxygen as we age. We can extrapolate from this that it makes sense why children and young adults have more energy than people in their 50s or 60s because their body is more efficient at using oxygen. However, with LiveO2, we can diffuse 200-400% more oxygen into your blood plasma so you’re in a buffered and bolstered state at all times, which leads to an increase in your overall energy.

  • Improved memory and mental processing speed

As many of us have experienced, memory and mental processing speed gets worse as we age. In another paper published by Dr. Von Ardenne, called “Increasing Mental Performance with Oxygen Multistep Therapy” (another name for LiveO2), it was found that after a LiveO2 training session all subjects improved their scores on a computerized test that was also taken before oxygen therapy. For sensory mental capacity, scores went up by 19-20% across the board, for time to accomplish tasks involving perception and reaction times, scored increased by 12-18%. This study shows that after just one 15 minute LiveO2 training session, there are palpable increased effects on memory and processing speed and that this lasts for hours. For those experiencing a decline in cognition and memory, LiveO2 can greatly increase quality of life and help get back to what they are used to with regards to mental processing.

  • Decreased Inflammation throughout the body

  • Therapeutic aid for a specific medical condition

Instead of treating or putting a band aid on just the symptoms of a variety of medical conditions, LiveO2 can be used as a holistic approach for helping the entire body with the underlying condition. Oxygen is the key pin to entire health. Without oxygen, no other system in the body can work properly, so if you have a diminished oxygen saturation and your body is inefficient at using oxygen, that can seriously degrade your health. If oxygen utilization is not working, it is hard to get any other system working in the body. LiveO2 improves your body’s ability to use oxygen optimally in order to help a variety of other conditions.

  • Improved immune system function

Everyone knows that feeling right before you get sick; your throat tickles a bit, you feel fatigued, and your head feels heavy. You know you’re about to get sick. Using LiveO2 immediately, even without exercising and just breathing in the oxygen, can drastically reduce the onset of a cold. Again, oxygen utilization affects the entire body and all systems, so surging your system with oxygen allows your immune system to operate at full power to fend off the sniffles.

  • Improved athletic performance and recovery

Not everyone is looking to be the next gold medal olympian, but overall if your body worked more efficiently and optimally, you’re going to be the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. So, LiveO2 is currently used by the highest end professional athletes (NFL, NHL, MLB, UFC, cyclists, MMA, olympians, ect), but it can also be used for anyone who is just trying to be the best version of themselves and operate optimally. It can make going on a hike, taking a ski day, or going on a swim feel completely different and allows your body to recover from the stress of exercise more quickly and with more quality.

Pairing LiveO2 With Neurofeedback Here at RTWC

At RTWC, we use an effective non-invasive and drug-free process for addressing debilitating neurological symptoms. Research has shown people of all ages see dramatic improvement in ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Brain Injury, Migraines, Seizures, Chronic Pain, Addiction, and more. Results like these through the use of Neurofeedback have become too common to ignore. It’s published in scientific literature that Neurofeedback has been proven to change the brain. It’s used by thousands of licensed health professionals around the world and could be the most important new tool available for mental and neurological health.

How does Neurofeedback work? The neurofeedback process begins by obtaining a QEEG (quantitative electroencephalography) brain map. Using sensors on the scalp, we can measure and record the electrical impulses happening in your brain. The computer software then takes this information, compares it to normative data, and produces a brain map. This map tells us which areas of the brain are firing appropriately and which are not. We can then use this data to begin training. We use standard conditioning techniques to “guide” the brain to function in a more balanced fashion. During a session, a patient’s brain waves are monitored in real time by a computer while the patient watches a movie or television show. The computer program can then use that information to create changes in that patient’s brain wave activity. When the computer picks up irregular brain wave patterns, it triggers an audio or visual cue that alerts the patient that they are outside normal ranges. These cues are received by the brain, which subconsciously adjusts itself back to a normal pattern to resume the movie or music.

With enough repetition of this process, the brain eventually learns to stay in the normal ranges on its own without the computer. With the brain functioning normally on its own, symptoms of irregular brain activity will decline.

It has been well documented that people who suffer neurological problems have abnormal brain waves in certain areas of the brain. For instance, case studies using QEEG “brain maps” have shown that people with Attention-Deficit-Disorder (ADD) have elevated theta brain waves, while those who suffer from depression have elevated alpha brain waves. Those with anxiety will have elevated Beta brain waves, while those suffering from memory loss usually have decreased theta brainwaves.

The best part of neurofeedback is that results are often permanent, allowing a person to reduce or even eliminate medications altogether. Where medications only manage the symptoms, the goal of neurofeedback is to address the underlying cause and restore normal brain wave functions.

What Does a Typical LiveO2 Training Session Look Like?

  • 15 minute workout (most protocols take only 15 minutes, however there are more intense protocols typically used for athletes).
  • We use an exercise bike here at RTWC, but any exercise equipment work (this means having a dance party will work). The goal is to get your heart rate up to a minimum threshold and keep it there for 15 minutes.
  • 15 minutes every 3 days minimum allows for the best results to keep your oxygen within normal ranges amongst normal stress levels from life. Using it every day is okay.
  • 170 minus your age is the minimum target heart rate you want to hit when you are training on a LiveO2 session and maintain it throughout the whole 15 minutes.
  • You will be wearing a SpO2 monitor while training, so you can monitor your heart rate allowing you to exercise a bit harder if your heart rate in not hitting at least that minimum number. The SpO2 also indicates to you how much oxygen is attached to your hemoglobin on you red blood cells, which gives you an idea of how saturated you are with oxygen at your red blood cell level, which is helpful when training people (especially when using the Adaptive Contrast protocol with involves desaturating your red blood cells for a period of time which mimics altitude training).
  • Follow certain protocols with the help and guidance of our RTWC staff so that you can get the most out of the training session.

How Does a LiveO2 Training Session Work?

  • You will breath in 800 liters of pure Oxygen in 15 minutes

You’re also doing that with the elevated respiration and blood pressure rates due to exercising. Exercise is essential to be able to get the oxygen into your blood.

  • Dramatically increases the amount of dissolved oxygen in your blood.

Typically, this means 200-400% more dissolved oxygen in your blood plasma over baseline.

  • Elevated Oxygen levels typically last up to 3 days after one 15 minute session.
  • A synergistic effect from increased respiration, elevated heart rate, and pure oxygen is the mechanism that causes the diffusion of oxygen into your blood plasma.
  • Conditions users to take deeper breaths at all times.

There is a slight amount of resistance from the hose and breathing through a mask that your not used to. Over time this slight increase in resistance actually strengthens your ability to breath, it makes you a stronger, deeper breather every time you take a breath for the rest of the day.

  • The protocols helps support higher aerobic capacity and improved overall health.


LiveO2 accelerates both health and fitness. It amplifies exercise so that a short workout will reproduce big health results. For athletes, this same effect means that the same training will create more performance in less time with less fatigue with almost no soreness and nearly instant recovery. The secret of LiveO2 is the simple secret of Oxygen and energy. It creates real health because it primes and repairs the internal systems that move oxygen from the air you breath to your cells. This cellular oxygen is the hidden source of your body’s natural ability to produce energy, to resist disease, and to stay young. Regular LiveO2 users often restore health they enjoyed 10-20 years ago within a few weeks. LiveO2 is designed to allow your body to move as much oxygen as possible to your cells by switching between oxygen rich and oxygen reduced air which creates a perfect storm of maximum blood flow with maximum oxygen. This doesn’t just affect your body, but your brain as well. An oxygenated brain thinks well, sleeps well and is calm. Brain O2 users often improve brain function in days.


Oxygen multistep therapy: physiological and technical foundations

Manfred Ardenne – G. Thieme – 1990

The Definitive Guide To Exercise with Oxygen (ewot in 2018)https://liveo2.com/ewot/?inf_contact_key=23e67239cd9b7cf2c07287e72b66bbb8680f8914173f9191b1c0223e68310bb1

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