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Understanding Gluten: Celiac Disease, Allergy, Sensitivity, and Dr. Autoimmune’s Approach to Healing

Dr Auto Immune
June 6, 2023

Gluten has become a buzzword in recent years, often associated with a range of health concerns. But what exactly is gluten, and what are the differences between celiac disease, gluten allergy, and gluten sensitivity? In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of gluten-related disorders, shed light on the unique challenges they pose, and explore how Dr. Ian Hollaman aka Dr. Autoimmune, a renowned functional medicine practitioner, and his team can offer support and guidance in managing celiac disease, gluten allergies, and sensitivities.

Understanding Gluten:

Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. It acts as a binding agent, providing elasticity to dough and contributing to the texture of baked goods.

Although harmless for some people, gluten can trigger adverse reactions in individuals with certain conditions.

Celiac Disease:

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder triggered by the ingestion of gluten. When individuals with celiac disease consume gluten, their immune system mistakenly attacks the lining of the small intestine, leading to inflammation and damage. This can result in various symptoms, including digestive issues, nutrient deficiencies, fatigue, and commonly neurologic problems.

Diagnosis requires a combination of blood tests, genetic testing, and a biopsy of the small intestine (Jejunal aspirate biopsy). The only current therapy for celiac disease is a strict, lifelong gluten-free diet.

Gluten Allergy:

A gluten allergy, also known as wheat allergy, is an immune system response to specific proteins found in wheat, including gluten.

Unlike celiac disease, which is an autoimmune disorder, a gluten allergy involves an immediate allergic reaction triggered by the ingestion or inhalation of gluten (IgE mediated).

Symptoms can range from mild, such as itching and hives, to severe, including difficulty breathing (Bakers allergy) and anaphylaxis. If diagnosed with a gluten allergy, strict avoidance of gluten-containing foods is necessary.

Gluten Sensitivity:

Gluten sensitivity, sometimes referred to as non-celiac gluten sensitivity, is a condition characterized by an adverse response to gluten ingestion.

Unlike celiac disease and gluten allergy, there are no currently accepted immune markers or involved in gluten sensitivity. The symptoms of gluten sensitivity can be similar to those of celiac disease, including bloating, diarrhea, fatigue, and brain fog. However, it is important to note that the exact mechanisms behind gluten sensitivity are still being researched. The management of gluten sensitivity often involves a trial period of gluten elimination to assess symptom improvement. New laboratory analysis and research appears to indicate that part of the mechanism may be related to the

Glyphosate / AKA Roundup and Gluten Sensitivity/Celiac disease:

Since the main implicated mechanism behind both Celiac and non Celiac wheat intolerance is intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”) we have to ask the question, “what causes leaky gut”? One of the strongest possibilities to date may be a pesticide commonly used (and may be in your garage) – Round up. Roundup is a chemical known as Glyphosate and research shows it may have two major mechanisms leading to activation of the leaky gut process. First it acts as an antibiotic killing the beneficial bacteria regulating inflammation and our microbiome. Second, it slows an enzyme called P450, a main detoxification enzyme. This will lead to reduced chemical clearance and build up of inflammatory chemicals like NfKb which are implicated in chronic disease. Whatever the mechanism, Glyphosate is directly implicated in the explosion of gluten related pathologies and should be avoided at all cost (certified organic products do not use glyphosate)!

Dr. Autoimmune’s Approach:

Dr. Ian Hollaman and the Dr. Autoimmune team are functional medicine practitioners who specialize in autoimmune disorders, including celiac disease, gluten allergies, and sensitivities.

Our team adopts a holistic approach, focusing on identifying and addressing the root causes of these conditions, rather than merely treating the symptoms. Dr. Ian recognizes that each patient is unique and strives to provide personalized care and support.

Comprehensive Testing:

At Dr. Autoimmune, we employ advanced laboratory testing to evaluate the overall health and pinpoint potential triggers or underlying factors contributing to gluten-related disorders.

These tests may include genetic analysis, intestinal permeability assessments, food sensitivity testing, and comprehensive nutrient evaluations. By understanding each patient’s individual biochemistry, we can develop personalized treatment plans.

We offer a new patient special called the ‘The Dr. Autoimmune Solution’ which includes:

90-minute Zoom appointment includes:

✓A comprehensive case review of symptoms and timeline

✓Review and interpretation of the 90+ marker blood panel (Blood is drawn at least 14 days prior to the appointment at a lab close to you. A blood test kit will be provided by mail.)

✓Evaluation of your case and custom care plan.

Customized Care Plans:

At Dr. Autoimmune we are 100% remote so anyone can heal from anywhere!

Based on the test results and a thorough evaluation of the patient’s health history, Dr. Ian and his team create customized care plans. These plans often involve a combination of dietary adjustments, supplementation, stress management techniques, and lifestyle modifications.

Dr. Autoimmune educates and empowers his patients to take an active role in their healing journey.

Support and Monitoring:

Dr. Autoimmune and his team provide ongoing support to their patients throughout their healing process. Regular check-ins, consultations, and adjustments to their therapy plan ensures that each patient receives the care they need.

We emphasize the importance of patient education and provide resources to help individuals make informed decisions about their health.

The Takeaway

Understanding the differences between celiac disease, gluten allergies, and sensitivities is crucial for individuals seeking to manage these conditions effectively. At Dr. Autoimmune we offer a unique approach to the care of gluten-related disorders, providing personalized care, comprehensive testing, and customized care plans. Through our expertise and dedication, we strive to help patients regain control of their health and lead fulfilling lives free from the limitations imposed by gluten-related issues.

So if you’re ready for root-cause resolution in your own health, schedule a consultation with Dr. Autoimmune today by calling us at 303-882-8447 or click here to schedule your appointment.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Tik-Tok for more information and tips regarding autoimmune diseases and the functional medicine approach.

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