

Unlock Your Full Potential With Our High-Quality Supplements

It can be difficult to get the nutrients you need through diet alone. That’s why Dr. Autoimmune offers pharmaceutical grade supplements that will help you reach your health and wellness goals. Many common symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and irritability can be caused by a nutrient deficiency. When you reach out to us, we’ll help you formulate an effective diet and supplementation plan to guarantee your body is getting the key nutrients it needs. You can find a variety of top-of-the-line, natural supplements that will improve your overall health!

Explore Our Wellness Store

We offer a leading line of supplements that you can trust. Explore our online wellness store and get the supplements you need delivered right to your door.

consultation with patient

Holistic Approach

Through a holistic approach, we make decisions by exploring one’s experience as a whole: body, mind, environment, and lifestyle. Your experience with your condition is unique, so a standardized version of care is likely not going to address the root cause or promote overall wellness.

pharmacist discussing plan with patient

Customized Wellness Plans

Every individual is unique, that’s why Dr. Autoimmune always cares for each individual on a case-by-case basis and builds customized wellness plans that fit every unique need. We will listen to your story and work with you to formulate a plan.

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Empowering Independence

We are dedicated to helping your body heal itself with the right tools, therapies, and diet changes. After working with Dr. Autoimmune and our team, you will walk away with knowledge and tips to keep your health on track for years to come.

Start Your Health Consultation


We’ve set up a comprehensive new patient special that includes everything necessary to determine the root cause of your condition and start you on the journey to getting your life back. Our 90-minute consultation includes the following:

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